Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Winter Blessings
Monday, December 14, 2009
M.I.A. ?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Upcoming Event!
I’m trying to limit my exclamation point usage since my editor pointed out eight of them in one argument, but as this is my first event, I think it warrants one. Lyrical Press is doing an End of Summer Event! Starting August 24th, Lyrical is posting author profiles on their blog and mine is going to be one of them. Some of the authors are even giving away prizes with the event so be sure to check it out. If you click on the very lovely picture in the upper right of my blog you’ll be able to read all the details.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Rejections and sort of new projects.
The space opera novella was submitted on Monday and today I got an e-mail that it'd been rejected. It’s okay. I know the story was a bit rushed and it needed expanding here or there. That’s one of the major problems I have with deadlines. It has to be done on that day, so even if I know there are problems I still turn it in and hope for the best. All in all, I’m rather proud of my first attempt at a space opera. I think it’s a good story with a good plot and good characters so I think I’m going to expand the areas that feel rushed and submit it elsewhere when it’s done. No rush this time, though. It takes what it takes.
But now that I accomplished my goal of completing and submitting a space opera on a deadline, I’m totally allowing myself to go back to comfortable territory. It’s back to Izzy’s world I go. I’ve been playing around with her sister’s story for awhile now (I actually started writing Nikki’s story before Izzy’s) and I can’t wait to finish it. It helps that the editor expressed interest in a possible sequel to Ink in the Blood. Gives me a bit of motivation. And since this is a novel length story, I could use all the motivation I can get.
Hope you all have a super weekend!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Catching Up
Life has a way of getting away from me when I’m not looking at, and living by, my day planner. I try, really I do, but I think I take on more projects than I can possibly handle just so I don’t have time to compulsively check my e-mail. It’s a temptation for me, and I hear I’m not alone. This week edits on Ink start, I’m trying to finish up the space opera novella (I’m rather impressed with how it’s turning out), I had a fantastic idea for a new story pop into my head that I want to draft it before I forget it, I have a suitcase full of laundry from our vacation, and I have to start planning the trip we’re taking in October. I know, it seems like I have plenty of time to plan the trip, but that’s what I always think and then we’re scrambling to find a hotel at the last moment. Not this time! I will get a good rate at a good hotel, preferably one with a pool. Thank goodness I have a fantastic husband who doesn’t mind eating convenience food from time to time. I honestly don’t know how I’d cope without him.
Well, I’m off to get my space opera done. The submission deadline is Aug. 10th and I have so much yet to do, including a synopsis.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
New Projects and a Release Date!
There’s something about summer. I always feel more motivated to get things done. So what did I do? I decided I was going to write a space opera novella in under two months. Why? Because that’s the submission call deadline, of course J I’m actually off to a good start. I’ve written 2k and it has to be between 25-30k. As long as I finish the first draft in June, that gives me all of July to do rewrites (minimum of four solid rewrites) and the first week of August to clean up format and write the synopsis. Easy peasy, right? It’s okay for you to laugh, I am too.
In other news…I have a tentative release date for Ink. It’s going to be March 1st 2010! Yay! I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see the cover (yes, I know it’s going to probably be about six months before I have a cover, but I’m still waiting anxiously).
Oh, and I got my e-reader. Thank you, very much sweetheart! I adore it! I’ve already downloaded and read three of the e-books I’ve been putting off because I didn’t want to be tied to a computer to read them.
All in all, good times. Now back to the WIP. I left my hero and heroine in a scene they probably want out of :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer Vacation
It's summer, which means my writing will slow to a crawl because my days will be filled with trips to the park, and, if it’s warm enough, trips to the pool. Not that I mind. I love trips to the park and pool. After all, I have to find a way to keep these boys worn out. If not they turn on each other and I hear, “Mom, so and so did this.”
“Well he did that.”
“Only because he did the other thing.”
On the writing front, I don’t have a release date yet, but my editor hopes to have one really soon. As it is, she’s estimating 1stQ 2010. Seems like an eternity, doesn’t it? I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait when it’s all said and done.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Help and Hindrance of Modern Tech.
One year ago, I had one e-mail account. That was it! No blog, no social networking site, no twitter, just one e-mail account. Today I have three e-mail accounts, two Facebook pages, two blogs (one of which is being horribly neglected as of late), a twitter account, and a website. And, of course, to keep up with all this, I’m getting a smart phone tomorrow! It’s something I swore I’d never do. I’d always said the internet was there for my convenience not the other way around. But with submissions out, editors e-mailing information, and witty friends, I feel compelled to be connected even when I’m not at home. Yet, as I sat down to check my e-mail today, I couldn’t help but think back to the simpler days and wonder if my life really requires so much tech.
It seemed such a slippery slope to get from where I was to where I am. It all started with me joining an online forum. There I found friends who were facing the same struggles I was, writer’s block, rejections, and unfinished manuscripts. And they gave me the encouragement and the resources I needed to rewrite and resubmit until I got it right, and got a contract. While chatting with them, I realized how useful a blog would be. Not to promote, but just somewhere for me to talk about whatever is on my mind. Being a writer can be isolating, especially when you only have an eight year old and a four year old to bounce ideas off of all day. So I started my first blog.
By this time I was drifting away from the group. I loved the people, but realized I would probably never be published by this particular publisher. But I knew I would miss the friends I had made, so I started a Facebook page. That way I got updates on them and could continue talking to them outside the boundaries of the forum.
The next big change happened when I got my contract. In the ‘publisher’s welcome pack’ it had a line about needing a website. Me? I’ve only had one thing accepted, do I really need a website? They seemed to think so, and it is a nifty thing to have, so I put a website. And since I’m writing under a pen name, that meant I needed another Facebook page to get my name out there.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Why Asura?
When I first started writing the Inked series, it was going to be about demons and angels, but as I started researching demons I stumbled across the name Asura. It was a beautiful name that had a delicate flow to it that I loved. So I dug deeper.
Asura are sometimes considered demons in modern Hinduism, which is why they came up in my search. But, as I continued to dig, I discovered the term 'demon' wasn't quite right for this race. Asura are, to the best of my ability to determine, divine beings that have great weaknesses in will. They’re drawn to excess and power, which tends to lead to corruption and evil. But corruption and evil aren't certainties. Asura have free will, and some have been known for their piousness. And that’s what I loved about them.
To have a good nature and do good is commendable, but nothing noteworthy. You are living within your nature. But to have a nature that draws you to the darker things in life, and yet still do good—that’s remarkable and something worth note.
So, in my stories of the Asura, that’s what I focus on, the constant struggle over the darkness that pulls at them and their desire to rise above their nature. As it turns out, I’m not writing about demons. I'm writing about overcoming them.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunshine and Copy Editors
Finally, after a week of soggy, dismal weather, we have sunshine! I can’t even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. I think I’m going to skimp on my housework a bit and take the boys down to the park. After all, my in-laws are flying in from
Oh, and the editor assigned to Ink e-mailed me today. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get to work. She seemed really nice in the e-mail and said she hopes to have an estimated release date by next week. I’m expecting something in the Nov-Dec possibly into early next year range, but I’ll let you guys know as soon as I hear.
If you’re looking for something new to read, my friend Barbara Hancock has a release today. I know, I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the releases too. It’s an erotic, so you have to be over 18 to buy it.
Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The in-laws are coming! The in-laws are coming!
For the past month and a half my mother and father in-law have been abroad, but they're coming home this Wed. And since my husband's picking them up at the airport, they'll be coming back to our house for a quick dinner before he takes them home. That means I’m going to be cleaning for the next two days!
I’m not a slob and my in-laws aren’t neat freaks, okay they are neat freaks but they don’t expect me to be a neat freak, but I still feel a certain obligation to have things cleaned to a certain standard whenever they come over. And with two small kids, a cat, and a dog, it’s not an impossibly high standard either. I’m okay with the scattering of toys, and the occasional pile of unopened mail, but the dust bunnies and sticky residue my boys leave on every surface must be eliminated. And, since my father in-law is allergic to cats, the slip covers have to be washed and the floors vacuumed.
Now, since I’ve already gotten the front room picked up and vacuumed, the dishes done, and the laundry caught up, I’m going to go write.
If you’re looking for something interesting to read on this fine day Grayson Reyes-Cole and Cora Zane have new releases out! Yes, they both have new books in addition to the ones I posted about last time! I know, they’ve been busy. I’m in awe. One note, the anthology Cora’s short story is in is erotic so you have to be 18 to buy it.
Happy reading all!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Good Day
I’ve had a great day and just had to share. First of all, I got my heroine out of the shower. She’s still handcuffed, but that’s by her choice and for her own protection. Again, makes sense perfect when you read it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Typo Artist
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Writing Huzzah!
Any other weekend and I’d be all about finishing that scene as well. But it’s mother’s day weekend, and that’s always one of my boys’ favorite weekends. Why? I’d like to think it’s because they love me so much it makes them happy to have a weekend all about me, but realistically it’s because we always go to our local train museum and take a ride on their steam engine trains for both mother’s day and father’s day. Even knowing this, it still makes me happy when they run into our room and ask, “Is it mother’s day yet?” with the excitement usually reserved for Christmas.
I'm hoping to carry on the tradition this year, but with my youngest still a little under the weather, we might have to schedule something else. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
So that’s about it here. I hope you all have a great mother’s day tomorrow, whether it be with trains or tea cups.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Drive-by Promoting
Think about how you’d act at a conference for a moment. Would you just hand your card to everybody you walked by? No. You stop, smile, engage in a bit of chit-chat, look for an opening, and then, when you’ve established you have something in common, something the other person might benefit from, you offer them your card. It’s really the same concept in the cyber world.
If you want me to join your group, all you have to do is stop at my wall, say hello, say something about me(I’m a sure join if it’s something that shows me you took the time to visit my webpage) and what I might gain from joining said group. Now, really, is that so difficult?
Yes, if you have 2,000 friends it would be a time consuming task, but the people who actually join would be more likely to buy your book, or whatever it is you’re promoting, because they’d feel connected to you somehow.
Now, before what I’m saying is misconstrued, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to put your blog, or website, or whatever it is you want the world to see, in your status. How is this different? Because you’re not soliciting me directly, you’re just putting the info out there for any who might be interested. It’s the difference between a television ad and a person thrusting unwanted flyers into my hands as I walk by them on the street. I don’t know what you do with the flyers you get, but I can tell you what I do with mine…exactly the same thing I’m doing with unsolicited group/fan club invites.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Novella
My answer is going to surprise most of you, I know, but I actually prefer writing novels. Even though Ink in the Blood is a novella and Samhain saw definite possibilities with Dragonborn, I’m not comfortable writing them. Why? Because they’re hard! And for exactly the same reasons they’re great.
When you’re writing a novella, your focus has to be on the core of the story. It’s so short there’s no room for anything that’s not moving the plot and the hero and heroine forward. But it has to be written with an elegance that reads effortless. To get your characters to move a specific way, in a very brief space, with few plot devices available? I’m sure it comes naturally for some writers, but I’m not one of them.
So why did I write, and rewrite, not one but two of them? Because I was after a greater reward than the finished piece itself. I recognized that my novels tended to ramble too often and relied too heavily on plot devices and contrived characters. My solution was to write something where I only had the story to fall back on. It was a torturous process. I can’t begin to tell you how many rewrites both pieces took to even be presentable. But in the end, I feel my writing is stronger because of it.
Will I continue to write novellas? I am more comfortable writing them than I ever thought I’d be. And Dragonborn, my second one, came to me a lot easier than Ink in the Blood did. So yes, I can see more novellas in my future. But I’m really looking forward to sinking my teeth back into my novels. See if the experiment worked on a larger scale.
Oh, I hope you have a chance to stop by and read the blog that inspired this one. 'Embrace the Shadows' is a link to it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My writing, unfortunately, has slowed to a crawl. I’ve gotten all my forms returned to Lyrical, though, so hopefully I can concentrate on my WIP for the rest of the week. It’s a novel length sequel to Ink. Poor Izzy, after everything she’s been through, you’d think I’d let her live the rest of her days in peace. But really, who gets to live the rest of their days in peace?
Also, I’m hoping to get my novella Samhain requested a rewrite and resubmit on resubmitted within the next week or so. It’s a more traditional fantasy, but when you throw political and religious corruption into a story with shape-shifting dragons and clerics it can get pretty dark.
Oh, and don’t forget to wish Lyrical a happy birthday! They turn one this month and are giving away e-books to celebrate.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Welcome to my blog!
“This is.”
It was a simple truth to a question I’ve been asked countless times since then.
Anyone who takes the time to write and then rewrites until it’s perfect, is a writer. Anyone who stares at their words until they no longer make sense and fusses over their characters until they’re living people, is a writer. It doesn’t take a contract to make it so.