A couple days ago, I passed a major milestone with Dragonborne. I returned my edits to my editor. Yay! No, I’m not done with edits, I just returned a round of them. And I know knowing more edits are on the way should be a downer, but it isn’t. Here’s the thing, I don’t mind edits. I actually kind of like them. Why?
First, because I know the editor liked the story, that’s why they agreed to pick it up. So I never take anything they say personally. I realize my work isn’t perfect, that I get too close to see where it needs fixed, and I really don’t want to look like an idiot when the story is released. So I appreciate the time and energy my editors put into my work.
Second, because some of the mistakes I make are funny as hell and I’ve never had a problem laughing at myself. If you’ve chatted with me on-line (or in person) I’ve probably told you some of these, but I can’t resist repeating myself. They’re just too good. So here goes, some of my best typos:
Instead of imitate, I once used immolate, which means to kill as a sacrifice. I’m sure my hero would not have approved of the heroine immolating his mount. It probably would have pissed him off, but it made my writers group laugh hysterically.
Instead of bowl, I once used bowel. Not that I’m terribly prissy or anything, but I do believe soup tastes better when eaten from a bowl. Just saying.
Instead of vile creature, I once used vial creature. Any dragon that could actually fit in a vial would probably not be much of a threat. Sophie would argue that one with me. But she just likes to argue.
Instead of stairs, I once used stars. Try climbing those sometime.
Instead of dining, I (more than) once used dinning. I’m not even sure what dinning is, or what a dinning room would encompass, which is sad seeing as I look it up every time my writers group calls me on it.
So there you have ‘em, some of my best typos. Oh, and one of my most common mistakes…Clinch does not mean the same thing as Clench. I think I have that one down now. I’ve actually started doing word searches in my works for Clinch, because I hardly ever mean that one.
Hope you’re all having a great week!