I love it here, but it was a bit of a transition. We had to find new doctors, especially since one of my sons broke a finger and my husband broke his hand almost as soon as we moved down here. That was fun. (Did you hear the sarcasm there? Okay, just checking.) We had to get the boys settled in their new school. We had to actually make the new friends and find the fantastic H.E.B. And, of course, let's not forget the unpacking, which-by the way-is still not completely done. For months after we moved down here, I was just trying to stay afloat with everything that had to get done. I really didn't have time to write. But I did finish Bond Betrayed last spring (yay me!) and I'd started a whole bunch of sic-fi stories. I really, really wanted to write a sci-fi. And then Rebecca Royce moved down here near me!!!
If you don't know or haven't heard of Rebeca Royce, go to her website (Her name in the last paragraph is a link. Convenient, no?) and check her out. She is a fantastic author and has something in her back catalog for everybody. She's also a fantastic person and friend. We started getting together for coffee and, as writers will do, started talking shop. One thing lead to another and we started reading each other's W.I.P.s (work in progress). Let me tell you, that woman can write. And she held me accountable for not writing. I can't count the number of emails I've gotten from her asking me where her chapter is. Thanks in large part to her, I've started writing again. And I signed a sci-fi erotica series with Ellora's Cave!
The first book in the series, Ulterior Motives (Yep! That's the cover at the top of this blog. Isn't it gorgeous?), is releasing July 3rd and I've already turned in the second book in the series, Shared Objectives. I hope to hear good things back from my editor. This is the first time I've ever contracted a book before it was written and reviewed by the acquiring editor.
If you want to read more about Ulterior Motives, the blurb and an excerpt can be found on the Ellora's Cave Website and my website.
I'll be posting more news as I get it :)